Our HSE Mission
Our HSE mission is to ensure that the improvement in, health, safety, security and Environment are top priorities of our management and all employees. The policy for improvement in work process and prevention of accidental risk and designed to integral part of our continuously evolving work culture.
Our HSE Vision
We envision a quality service delivery process and culture that enable us to meet and exceed customer expectations in a safe and healthy environment, while actively involving and empowering all employees.This is a deliberate strategy to enhance our profitable growth and competitive edge.
Our HSE Strategy
Our goal and quest is for a Zero defect:
1-No Accidents
2-No loss or breakdown of process
3-No harmful emissions
4-No health-related incidents
5-No lapses in security
We plan to achieve these through genuine commitment, leadership and line management participation tied to performance incentives. As a statement of fact, HSE is a direct responsibility of our line management. Other strategies include:
1-Mandatory HSE training for all personnel.
2-HSE integration in all product development jointly with our Technical partners.
3-Close alliance with our clients for compliance and integration of their safety policies.
4-Designated full time, HSE and communities relations manager.